Valkyries Epic Demon Battle

Full Prompt

full body shot of a beautiful valjyrie, long dark hair, big blue eyes, dark armor, fighting demons in a dark forest, hd, high chaos, cinematography, photorealistic, epic composition unreal engine, cinematic, color grading, cinematography, ultra - wide angle, depth of field, hyper - detailed, beautifully colored, insane detail, intricate detail, beautifully colored, unreal engine, cinematic, color grading, editorial photography, photography, photo shoot, depth of field, dof, tilt blur, white balance, 32k, super resolution, megapixel, prophoto rgb, vr, half moon lighting, backlighting, natural lighting, incandescent, fiber optic, mood lighting, cinematic lighting, studio lighting, soft lighting, photos realistic, volumetric, beautiful lighting, accent lighting, global illumination in screen space, global illumination by ray tracing, optics, dispersion, brightness, shadows, roughness, glare, ray tracing reflections, lumen reflections, reflections in screen space, diffraction gradation, chromatic aberration, gb displacement, scan lines, ray tracing, ray tracing ambient occlusion, anti - aliasing, fkaa, txaa, rtx, ssao, shaders, opengl - shaders, glsl - shaders, post processing, post - production, cel shading, tone mapping, cgi, vfx, symmetrical shot --ar 20:35



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