Ultra Op Art Album Cover

Full Prompt

ultraviolet, album cover, minimal color, op art background, ultra - sharp, mirror style, decreasing incline in space, vintage and nostalgic, black, white, and blue, gray colors shot taken with a Camera: Canon EOS R5 Lens: Canon RF 50mm f/ 1. 2L USM Settings: Aperture: f/ 8 Shutter speed: 1/ 125 sec ISO: 100 Image quality: RAW White balance: Custom Metering mode: Spot Focus mode: Manual Drive mode: Single shot To achieve the ultra - sharp, mirror style effect, a tripod and cable release would be recommended. The decreasing incline in space can be achieved by angling the camera downwards and adjusting the focus to the center point of the image. The op art background can be created by using a print or digital graphic and placing it behind the subject. For the vintage and nostalgic look, some post - processing may be required to adjust color saturation and contrast. Shooting in 8k will allow for a high - quality final image suitable for use on an album cover. --q 2



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