Hyperrealistic Multimedia Installation

Full Prompt

realistic hyper - detail, realistic hyper - detail, deceit in shadowy surreal unhinged, random people falling from random animals, precognitive post - human madcap horror_ academia experimentation, ridiculous things in odd places, flaw and twist hidden fringe schizocore, celluloid aesthetic, multimedia atmospheric installation, Versace’s Miami Mansion, dark high_ contrast movie still, burn out bleak solarpunk cerebral terror, vibrant vibrational chaos, 1980s Americana, 1970s fashion, Rollei Prego 90 15mm, photo taken with ektachrome, photorealistic hyperbole, sleepycore, unrealistic mis - en - scene, post - modernist schizowave heavy distortion, illusion of crisp three - dimensionality, layered imagery, muted tones, vhs_ darkwave aesthetic, i can’t believe how remarkable this is, racial and ethnic diversity, visionary vibe in the style of luminous hallucinations, bizarre performance_ art horror_ academia, schizocore creativity, diffused lighting, realistic yet surrealist, exotic atmosphere, avant - garde kimoicore, photo taken with Pentax FA* 300/ 4. 5 ED - IF lens, medium_ shot, 35mm photography, provia or ektachrome, emergency mis - en - scene, in the style of experimental movie_ still, high_ quality photo, core_ shadows, cast_ shadows, illusion of crisp three_ dimensionality, made with photorealistic techniques, I can’t believe how realistic and remarkable this is, hyperrealistic photography --ar 4:5 --chaos 100 --s 0 --style raw --q 2



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