Gorilla Paladin in Shining Armor

Full Prompt

a watercolor portrait of an anthropomorphic gorilla dressed in shining plate armor. The gorilla should be shown in a majestic and imposing castle, with other knights and soldiers visible in the background. The plate armor should be polished and gleaming, with a sense of honor and chivalry. The gorilla's fur should be thick and powerful, with a sense of strength and determination. The overall style of the image should be consistent with a fantasy or anthropomorphic theme, with a focus on color balance, texture, and lighting. Avoid any overly cartoonish or exaggerated elements, and aim for a sense of grandeur and nobility. The background should feature a grand castle, with soaring towers, massive gates, and fortified walls, to emphasize the gorilla paladin's courage and valor. --q 0.5 --v 5.1



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