Digital Isolation

Full Prompt

Imagine a scene straight out of a modern drama, where a lone individual is surrounded by screens displaying various social media platforms, their face illuminated by the cold light. The medium is photorealistic, capturing every detail of the individual's desolate expression, the myriad of faces on the screens, and the stark contrast between the digital and physical world. The style is reminiscent of the isolation visuals found in the movie Her, blending the melancholic with the digital. The lighting is cold and diffused, casting a lonely glow on the individual and the screens. The colors are muted and contrasting, with the individual's pale complexion standing out against the vibrant hues of the screens. The composition is a mid - shot, taken with a high - resolution 16k camera with a 50mm lens, capturing the individual in sharp focus against a blurred, digital backdrop. --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750 



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