MadMax A Comic Masterpiece

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Full Prompt

a movie poster for a MadMax Film no text about the saga of Aunty Entity as played by the origional actress Tina Turner, in the style of an expressive full sweeping panoramic montage that is focused on, character, environment, detail, character desifgn, focused in a dramatic masterpiece of comic style forced perspective masterpiece detailed focused cinematic composition blink - and - you - miss - it details in the style of an 3d animation style In the style of naturalism of live action cinema in a style that is a unique aesthetic language that melds 2D and 3D techniques in the style of 2D stylization in the style of animated projects with a unique blend of 2D and 3D art that is in a visually striking, painterly style that looks and feels handmade in a drawing style of illustrativehyperheroicdynamicmotionattilaadorjany --q 2 --v 5 --s 50



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