Naheles Traditional African American Attire

Full Prompt

unreal engine, 3d model, game, African American,  - Clothing: Nahele wears traditional Yamasse clothing made of natural materials such as leather, fur, and woven fabrics. She wears a fringed leather dress with a beaded belt, . Her clothing is practical and comfortable, with intricate details that reflect her status as a respected member of the tribe.  - Accessories: Nahele carries a woven basket for collecting berries and other natural resources. She wears beaded jewelry such as a necklace or bracelet and feathers in her hair to signify. She carrys a spear and a bow and arrow for hunting and self - defense.  - Hairstyle: Nahele's hair is long and dark, braided or tied back in a simple style that allows her to move freely.  - Facial features: Nahele has a strong, angular face with high cheekbones and dark eyes. --ar 18:32



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