Farmers Hands on Potatoes

Full Prompt

Prompt: "Create a photorealistic image of a farmer's hands gently picking up fresh potatoes from the soil. " Instructions for the AI: Focus on capturing the fine details of the farmer's hands, emphasizing their weathered texture and calloused skin, reflecting years of hard work. Ensure that the potatoes are realistically depicted, showcasing their various shapes, sizes, and earthy tones. Pay attention to the surrounding environment, portraying a lush potato field with vibrant greenery and hints of sunlight filtering through the leaves. Capture the essence of a serene, rural setting, conveying a sense of tranquility and the connection between nature and human labor. Strive for a high level of realism, employing shading, lighting, and perspective techniques to make the image appear as lifelike as possible. Note: The AI should generate an image that realistically represents the scene described, but please keep in mind that the final result may vary based on the capabilities of the AI model and the specific implementation used. --ar 3:2 --s 750 --q 2 --style raw



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