Wizards Worship Synth

Full Prompt

all the past wisards gathered in a circle around a synth, each one is playing with a machine, dark and creepy, drummachine, praising a god, worshipping a big synth, floating glowing objects, psuchadelic, areal view, hyper realistic, dreamy, award - winning - edited - image, 8k, super hi tech, f/ 8, ISO 100 as a photograph, shutter - speed 1/ 125, award - winning photograph, low - contrast, high sharpness, depth of field, golden - hour, ultra - detailed, enchanted forest on the background, a hyper - detailed C4D render, Disney surrealism, surreal concept art, digital painting, complex, aesthetic, smooth, sharp focus, virtual engine, dreamy, ion luminescence, hyper - realistic, chromatic arbitration, cel chading, smoke rising, atmospheric, 8k, volumetric lighting, spatial glow, dramatic lightning, wide angle lens, Canon EF - S35mmf/ 5. 5 IS STM q 2,  -  - v 4,  -  - v 3,  -  - ,  -  - v 4 No arguments



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