Surreal Anthropomorphic Couple Portrait

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Weird odd delicate, lsurreal photography, medium shot, dark gray gold abstract etched walls behind young black skinned surreal anthropomorphic albino out-of-this-world-couple by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, cyclorama, pink brocade gossamer lace elaborate virus sweater and large hood with robotic motifes and made of wire, artistic pose, tilt head, inspired by Johnson Tsang, Mab Graves, Paolo Veronese, ultra realistic and super detailed, windows and colomns background, black light aesthetic, color pop, Chromatic Aberration, PostProcessing, Post - Production, shot on Hasselblad 500CM, to enhance the depth and richness of the tones, Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8, 32k, --ar 2:3 --stylize 750



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