Psychedelic Native American Art

Full Prompt

pixelated "native american" pattern, tesselation interfacing geometric, psychedelic mixed media, electrostatic native american beadwork, reality invading consciousness, impasto painting of ghostly astral spiritforms swirling toward an extradimensional cosmic singularity, bioluminescent tendrils connecting a grouping of semi - transparent flora souls firing in the microspectromatic consciousness of a universal demiurgic matrix, satellite photography, solargraphy, psychedelic transmigration of the soul, vivid tetrachromatic spectral colors ::90 jackson pollock style impasto painting, surreal, heavy brushstrokes of paint ::100 crisp impasto painting, surreal, heavy brushstrokes of acrylic oil paint ::100 --ar 16:9 --chaos 22 --style raw --v 5.1 --q 2 --v 5



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