Eminent Professor at Vintage Desk

Full Prompt

Digital Painting - Agnieszka Szczepaniak - An esteemed 75 - year - old Polish professor of economics is depicted at her ornate vintage desk. Her hair, a cascade of long tousled white and grey strands, frames a long face etched with wisdom. The scene is suffused with warm, earthy tones, reflecting the rich wood of the desk and her collection of leather - bound books. Her eyes, sparkling with intelligence, are engrossed in a hefty economics tome. The scene captures a blend of past academia with the dynamic, ever - evolving world of economy, all wrapped in a nostalgic aura. Employ soft brush strokes to render the intricate details and textures, like the worn - out pages of the books and the weathered wood of the desk.  ::1 glasses ::-0.5 --ar 3:4 --s 950 --no glasses



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